It's All Golden


acrylic on wood

24” D (circle) x .75” D

Meet It’s All Golden, a painting that captures my desire to share the light with you. “What is the light”, you ask? It’s the electrifying energy of creativity, of course!

The light is what connects us to the process of cooking, making music, problem-solving, and making flower arrangements. In the year 2021, this means seeking the light through analog and digital means alike. To celebrate this spirit, I have released The Rays Collection which consists of 3x unique 1/1 NFTs stemming from this painting. It’s All Golden is my muse!

To create “The Rays” (NFTS), I attached a macro lens to my iPhone 12 Pro and photographed my analog painting. The 10x magnification from this 25mm lens enables you to experience the coarse wood grain and sheer layers of sparkling copper and gold paint.

This collection celebrates my burning desire to bring analog texture + digital glitz into the world. Like rays emanating from the sun, let’s spread light and beauty!

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